Chemical Free Cleaning in Your Home with Soap Nuts

Chemical Free Cleaning in Your Home

Are you looking for ways to transition to chemical free cleaning in your home? Soap nuts could be just what you are looking for! At a very literal level, ‘chemical-free’ is not possible, as water is a chemical substance, but the term is generally used to describe the absence of toxic, dangerous, irritating or even

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Soap Nut Berries Australia

LEAF – Logan Eco Action Festival

Wow, what an amazing time we had this past weekend at the Logan Eco Action Festival (LEAF)! It was an incredible turn out and we talked with customers all day about soap nuts! It was exciting to share our love of soap nuts with so many people – many had never heard of soap nuts before, and

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Soap Nuts Queensland Australia FREE SHIPPING

Chermside Twilight Markets

 As Summer draws nearer, the days are longer and the evenings are warmer. We are seeing more and more twilight markets pop up around south-east Queensland. What a wonderful way to spend an evening, leisurely strolling through markets chatting with store holders and checking out unique and interesting wares. One new twilight market is Chermside

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